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Say Goodbye to The Bloat and Hello to a Better-Feeling You

Gas and bloating are common digestive issues that most people develop at least once at some point in their lives. However, when these gastrointestinal symptoms become a daily occurrence, an imbalance in the gut microbiome may be to blame, and prebiotics and probiotics may be the solution.

What Causes Bloating and Gas?

A problem with gas can occur when it builds up in the intestines during digestion, leading to flatulence and discomfort. Doctors aren't exactly sure why bloating occurs, but it often happens in conjunction with gas. Some reasons why you might develop gas and bloating include:

  • Diet: Although healthy, foods that are high in fiber can cause the body to overproduce gas if you’re not used to consuming high fiber foods. To get around this, start increasing fiber slowly.
  • Food sensitivities: Some people have a difficult time digesting certain foods and may experience gastrointestinal symptoms as a result. For example, people with lactose intolerance may develop gas and other symptoms when they consume dairy products because their bodies can't properly digest a certain sugar found in milk.
  • Digestive disorders: Chronic conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Celiac disease can lead to gas and bloating.
  • Swallowing air: Drinking from straws and chewing gum can cause you to swallow air, and this could increase the risk of gas.
  • Imbalances in gut biome: Your body is home to trillions of microorganisms, including bad and good gut bacteria. When levels of good bacteria or probiotics are adequate, they can keep harmful microorganisms in check. However, when your gut doesn't have an adequate supply of this beneficial bacteria, digestive problems may occur with bloating and gas development as a result.

How to Get Rid of Gas and Bloating

To address gas and bloating naturally, consider following these tips.

Exercise Regularly

A sedentary lifestyle can slow down digestion and put you more at risk for symptoms like bloating and gas. Aim to get 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise every week to support healthy digestion and overall health.

Keep a Symptom Journal

Write down everything that you eat each day and make a note of what digestive symptoms you experience. Record when they happen and how severe they are. Over time, you may discover that you have one or more undiagnosed food sensitivities or that a specific food triggers bloating and gas.

Cut Back on Fats

Although small amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are needed in a healthy diet, many people consume too much fat. During digestion, fat can slow down processes, allowing foods to ferment more and release more gas. A registered dietitian can provide you with customized advice about how much of your daily calories should come from fat.

Know What You're Eating

Foods that cause sensitivities can be found in unexpected places. When eating processed foods, read all the ingredients carefully to know exactly what you're eating. Most fast food and chain restaurants provide basic dietary information on their websites, so you can identify which foods contain lactose, gluten, and other substances that you may not be able to easily digest. When you're eating in an independent restaurant, let the server know about your dietary needs and ask for recommendations.

Get a Good Night's Rest

Sleep is vital to overall health. If you're not consistently getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night, everything from your digestion to your immune system may suffer. Aim to go to sleep and get up at the same time each day to regulate your body's circadian rhythms and avoid things like blue light from screens, vigorous exercise, alcohol, and caffeine close to bedtime.

Try a Probiotic Supplement

Probiotic supplements contain live strains of beneficial bacteria. A high-quality supplement can boost your body's supply of probiotics to support both gut health and immune health. One systematic review of 70 clinical studies found that there is a high amount of evidence to suggest that probiotics can reduce symptoms of IBS. Another double-blind study found that people who took a probiotic supplement saw a greater reduction in bloating, flatulence and burping than those who took a placebo.

Eliminate Gas, Bloating and Constipation Once and For All

If you're looking to ease bloating, gas and constipation, and support overall health and well-being, Body Kitchen Gut Balance stands out among probiotic supplements. The formula contains three live strains of probiotics for healthy digestion and immune system health. In addition, the MicrobiomeX orange and grapefruit flavonoids in the formula are clinically proven to be able to withstand the effects of stomach acid to deliver probiotics to the colon where they're most needed. The supplement is optimized with clinically tested doses to balance gut bacteria and is stable at room temperature, so there's no need for refrigeration.