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Top Vitamins & Supplements for Glowing Skin

How many times have you purchased skincare products that promised to rejuvenate your complexion and leave you with more youthful-looking, glowing skin, only to be disappointed by the results? Even if they contain beneficial ingredients, skincare products are often insufficient to support healthy skin. Making changes to your diet that include beauty supplements may be a better solution for how to get glowing skin. Read on to find out why.

Get Healthy Skin from The Inside Out

Skin health doesn't start with the complexion. Like the rest of your body, your skin comprises cells. You need the proper nutrients in your diet to manufacture new cells and repair damage. Beauty supplements provide vital vitamins and other nutrients that the body needs to maintain healthy skin. Taking the right beauty supplements may support glowing skin, fight signs of aging, enhance skin elasticity and improve skin's moisture content. You can complement the benefits of supplements by following a daily skincare routine geared toward your skin type and concerns.

Best Supplements for Glowing Skin

Some essential anti-aging vitamins and other supplements include all of the following.


Collagen is a protein that helps support skin tissue. Your body manufactures collagen from amino acids to maintain your skin and connective tissue, muscles, organs, and blood vessels. As you age, collagen production naturally slows. Supplements containing collagen peptides- peptide chains broken into smaller units- may help increase collagen levels to support firmer skin and diminish the prominence of fine lines and wrinkles. Individuals also take collagen supplements for joint health and post-exercise recovery.


Elasin is another key structural protein present in skin tissue, helping to give skin the ability to stretch and return to its usual shape when you make facial expressions like smiling or furrowing your brow. When elastin levels deplete, the skin may lose elasticity and become more prone to wrinkling. Elastin supplements may help counteract this by increasing the amount of elastin in the body.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential in leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, and other foods. It is among the most potent antioxidant vitamins. Antioxidants fight free radicals that can damage skin cells. Free radical damage has been associated with developing premature signs of aging, so many people take vitamin C to support a more youthful complexion. In addition, vitamin C is needed to manufacture collagen, and it may improve skin radiance and reduce hyperpigmentation.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another essential vitamin that provides antioxidant support. In addition to fighting free radicals, the nutrient has been shown to support the immune system and aid healing. As a result, individuals sometimes take vitamin E supplements to assist with the repair of damaged skin potentially.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the few essential vitamins that your body can manufacture. It does so in response to sun exposure. Older adults and individuals who don't spend enough time outdoors may not produce enough vitamin D to meet the needs of their bodies. The nutrient is essential for bone health but has also been shown to fight inflammation, particularly skin irritation caused by sun exposure. There is also some evidence to suggest that individuals with low vitamin D levels may be at an increased risk for melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is another antioxidant with benefits beyond fighting the effects of free radicals. The nutrient also plays an essential role in cellular turnover, the renewal process that replaces old skin cells with newer, healthier cells. Supporting this natural turnover may help to improve skin texture, increase the complexion's natural glow and minimize the appearance of imperfections like fine lines and wrinkles.


Resveratrol is a phytonutrient found in red grape skin, peanuts, and some berries. Research has shown that resveratrol offers antioxidant protection for potential anti-aging benefits. Taking resveratrol may also support heart health and reduce the risk of certain medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and some forms of cancer.


Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, gets a lot of attention for supporting healthy hair growth. However, it also plays a role in skin health. Biotin may help decrease water loss to keep your complexion moisturized. As a result, people often take it to address chronic dry skin and inflammatory skin conditions like eczema.